
Embodiment is the home-coming to the truth of who we are – that we are a spirit and soul in a body, and that every thought, feeling, word and action exists as a frequency first before it animates us.

Through dance and movement, visual art, music and curated language, I deeply immerse my clients to the plains that bridge the physical and non-physical aspects of our existence. Here, we illuminate the wisdom we hold within.

Our body holds the keys to our wholeness and our purpose

This work is a pathway to freeing up the energy that holds us back, so we can move forward as the sovereign, creative, and connected beings we are born to be.

When we experience an internal shift, we will witness an external shift.


Art and Embodiment

Art, in all its forms, is a rich carrier of energy that speaks to our energy-body and invites us to harmonise to its frequencies.

My artwork now is guided by this purpose and is created in healing and activating energies to enlighten and awaken our consciousness.

To connect people with the deeper energies of my artwork, embodiment has become an extension of my offerings and my passion.

Dancing in the Light is a facilitated embodiment offering the can plug into any retreat or event.

Also see EVENTS page for both in-person and online embodiment offerings.

Dancing in the Light

Embodied dance immersed in projected artwork.

I have created sessions specifically for the purpose of elevating, integrating and activating energy, and work with light and image saturation (using projectors), sound, dance and my guidance to lead the audience to the fertile states for profound energetic shifts.

Through these immersive sessions the audience can be guided to uncover many aspects of themselves such as their healing powers, creativity, sovereignty, and connectedness.

Workshops can be curated to compliment the themes of the retreat or event.

Lighting is supplied and PA if required.

If you would love to work together please let me know your scope and ask me for a quote.